How very eighteenth century!
Bang! Bang!
Every year, it's the same thing-- we go down the thorn less rows, but we always end up at the thorny bushes. They have the biggest berries, sometimes the size of a 50 cent piece! And, they are the sweetest ones too--- no wonder they give a fight!
The juiciest and biggest berries are always hiding under the leaves, of course you take your chances of also finding one of those big juicy green beetle bugs that like to call the berry patch home. As my oldest reminded me today "You pay for the berries Mom, but the bugs are free!" Free bugs! What a deal!
Well, the longer you linger-- the hotter your sweaty little brow gets, and the dryer your scratchy little throat gets, and the more those juicy-sweet berries just call your name! "Eat me!" They say! "Eeeeeeeeeat me!" Before you give in to the temptation and sacrifice all of your spoils, leave while you are ahead!