A pictorial essay of our holiday:
(with a few words too)
Small town America-- we loved the quaint views and yummy BBQ!
I had a hay-day taking pictures of all of the creatures, including this gorgeous blue dragonfly.
(and me, back in my favorite spot-- the kayak!)
The oldest child has become fearless-- jumping off the dock into the cool lake water time after time.
And my youngest was happy fishing.
He fished for hours and hours.
-- he got such delight these:
That looks amazing. Where is that?
Jennie-- Thanks! It's Lake O' the Pines in Jefferson, TX.
awww... looks like fun! Don't you love those times with all of your family together?!
Have I mentioned its so great to have you back!
I was wondering...What kind of camera do you have? Do you like it? I always love your pictures. I am hinting (and by hinting I mean telling him directly) to my husband that I would like a nice camera for Christmas. Any advice?
What a delightful pictessay! How come you waited to make your big bloggy return until I was out of town and internet free? I guess I have a LOT of catching up to do!!
So glad you are back. It's like things are right in the world again. :)
What a fun time! Hopefully the skeeters weren't biting!
It looks like such a fun get-away! Did you guys stay in a cabin? Fishing, water, outdoors, bbq...all happy summer things :)
I love Jefferson! It has several haunted locations. BTW, love your new sun hat.
What a great day! I need to get out on the water and I really miss setting off our own fireworks! You can't even find them anywhere here! Happy Birthday America!
Great fireworks pic.
Looks like lots of fun. You've motivated me to get busy posting our 4th's activities.
What a picture perfect 4th of July!!
i LOVE your sun hat!!!! i want one---where did you get it?
right now i just wear my good 'ole CSU visor...not too trendy, but it keeps the sun off my face.
the dragonfly pictures is A-mazing!!! looks like you guys had a fabulous 4th---happy holiday-ing!
Thanks girls for the comments and complements!
Tamie, believe it or not, i got my hat at Bass Pro Shop, do they have those where you live?? It's like a huge outdoor shopping center, with everything under one roof! It was $25 I think. I've been looking for a nice sunhat for about a year, and I knew exactly what I wanted. Something comfy, easy to pack, and not too grandmotherly!
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