Remember my love for anything miniature?
Well, it's hit a new level...
Well, it's hit a new level...
These diminutive sweets start out with a simple dough, shaped into:
Would you like to try?
Just one note, these cookies are of the crunchy variety. They would pair great with hot cocoa or coffee to dip them in. They are delicious!
Doughnut Cookies
2 T vegetable oil
3 T butter, melted
2 eggs
2 t vanilla extract
1/2 t almond extract
3/4 t salt
2 t baking powder
1 C powdered sugar
2 and 1/2 C flour
to decorate:
2 or 3 squares of almond bark
Preheat oven to 350. Lightly spray cookie sheets with cooking spray. Beat the oil, butter, eggs, vanilla, and almond extract together. Sift the dry ingredients together, and then add to wet ingredients and mix well. Dough should have the consistency of play dough. If it's a little dry, add a little oil.
Take 2 teaspoons of dough and form into a 4 inch rope. Coil rope into a doughnut shape and place on cookie sheet.
To decorate, dip tops of cookies in melted almond bark and top with sprinkles!
Those doughnuts are super cute! I love your mini creations!
Okay-maybe it's cause I haven't eaten anything for like 4 days but these donut cookies look AMAZING!!!! I'm so going to make them whenever (if ever) I get home and allowed to eat again. :)
Thanks girls! You should make some, they are so easy!!
Lisa, get well!
So there's no flour - my batter is really runny...? Not sure how I screwed this up. Input...
So there's no flour - my batter is really runny...? Not sure how I screwed this up. Input...
I added 2.5 cups flour - not sure if that's right, but looks a lot more like dough:) Let me know exact amount of flour you use - thanks for the great recipes - we did pretzels too:)
Anonymous! SO SORRY! good save, it was 2.5 C flour. I just fixed the recipe. Thanks for pointing that out, and sorry for the confusion! :D
Oh my goodness, so cute!
ooooooOOOOOOoooo! You had me at doughnuts! LOL! This looks like something I'm going to have to try with my girls.
(ps...I successfully made mini lemon meringue pies....maybe you could add that to your mini love!)
Totally love this idea! (What's not to love about cookies!) Can't wait to try it with the girls!
They look like miniature Krispy Kremes! So cute!
Love these! They'd be great for a cookie exchange. So cute.
What a fun idea!! Cant wait to give it a go. Love your playlist :D
Thanks girls!! You should try these, they are super-de-duper easy... And so yummy too! My kids love them in their lunch boxes!
I love your little baking ideas. The doughnut cookies are absolutely wonderful looking. I also saw your pies - inspiring. I may start thinking smaller.
I don't bake too much, I do more cooking, but I will have to try it.
Oh my gosh. I am the biggest sucker for sprinkles. And miniatures. Yeah, these are sure to be happening at my house.
miss emily! cuteness reigns again in your domain!!!! i'm gonna make these for jack to take to class for his 1/2 birthday--- the injustice of a summer birthday!!!! he's gonna LOVE them.
However: perhaps i am blind (been known to happen) but you don't say *how long* to bake them....or did i just miss it?
Loving your Blog! I have not been faithful to mine, but I am getting so inspired and my little monkies would love to make these great treats!! Thanks For Sharing!!!
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